unfortunately, i have some very sad news.
I could tell yesterday that she wasnt't well ( refusing to eat,drink,do anything other than sit with eyes shut)
but even so it was a nasty surprise to find she had died today.
Snowball played an important part in the posts of this blog, ever since she first appeared on the blog,
on 05/11/2013 ( click to go to that post ) She was a very happy little hamster and has never been bad-tempered to me or my sister, even when she didn't fancy getting her picture taken.
Snowbi had a good life and was 2 4/5 years old when she died. She was a wonderful little hamster and had a good life.
below i have put links to some of the posts Snowbi appeared in and some pictures of her from my computer.
Hifa world cup!
the 10 names of Snowball
snowbi and peanut take part in a game show!
snowball's tea party
new camera
this photo is of Snowbi when she was a young hamster- only a few months old! Didn't she look so adorable?
Snowbi enjoying some playtime with my sister.
Snowbi again - 1 year older.
Snowbi having some playtime in my sisters room.

Snowbi celebrating her first birthday!
( well, it was more of an anniversary - we were never told Snowball's birthday so we celebrated it on august 16th - the day we bought her from the pet shop )
This is Snowbi, a lot older, 2 1/2 years old.
in my opinion, this is one of the best pictures I have ever taken of Snowbi.
One of Snowball's favourite toys was her hamster ball and she never got bored of it, even if it did look like a tangerine...
overall, Snowball's life was a happy one. She loved her life and i think thats why she lived longer than an average dwarf hamster ( average life span of dwarf hamster - 1 year - 1 yr 1/2 )
RIP Snowball - rest in peace
bye for now,
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