apologies for not updating. I don't think I'll want to update regularly anymore.
Anyway, I have a better idea for a blog post so I am cancelling the 'Peanut chat' series.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this post!
Here are 10 tales of Peanut escaping from her cage:
1. When Peanut was a young hamster (about 6 1/2 months old)
She was super-bored, biting the cage bars, running around and then she noticed that the cage door hadn't been closed properly. She monkey-barred up her cage and pushed at the cage door. She managed to get it open and ran around the house excitedly. Thankfully, I managed to catch her.
2. Then the next evening, Peanut pushed at the door of the cage and got of her cage. I put her back in but she simply escaped again. There was an awful lot of chaos trying to catch her before she entered my brothers room....
3. So then I tied the cage door to the bars of her cage. But Peanut was an enthusiastic chewer and she chewed through that string in no time. She escaped again, having a very adventurous time out of her cage.
4. After the above tactic failed, I placed a weight on the cage door to stop her pushing the cage door open. But Peanut, being very clever, used her nose to push the weight off the door and escape yet again!
It eventually got to the point where Peanut was attempting to escape every night! So i put her in a glass tank. But she HATED it. (now i think about it, she hadn't settled in properly so of course she would hate it) So then I threw away her old cage ( it was third hand now ) and paid a visit to my local Pets at home shop...
where I got her a blue cage, where she lived until Sat Feb 22nd 2014. But even this 'more secure' cage wasn't entirely escape-proof!
5. One night, when i had just handled Peanut, Peanut was begging to be handled again. I couldn't so she monkey-barred upside down on the cage bars. she pushed at the door and managed to squeeze out! Thankfully, i spotted she'd escaped and managed to catch her before she went off to explore.
Peanut lived in the blue cage for quite a while, from September 2013 this was before i began this blog so that's why there are no photo's of her first ever cage. But then earlier this year i realised her cage just wasn't big enough for her. She was fully grown by then and actually larger than an average Syrian hamster. So i paid another visit to my local Pets at Home shop...
and bought her a new orange cage which was bigger and better than her old blue one. She has lived in this cage for quite some time until recently, when she escaped yet again...
(If your interested about how Peanut felt being in it at first, click on this link to go to the post where i introduced it to you viewers for the first time http://lifeofhamsterblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/peanuts-new-cage.html )

7/8/9 Peanut escaped 3 more times by the same method, before i went and put her in a new glass tank.Below are some pictures of Peanut's old orange cage

10:Only a couple of days ago, Peanut escaped again!She escaped by climbing up the water bottle in her tank and jumping off the table where her new tank is.I found her running around the room where she's kept, at 10:00 pm at night. Now i have put a ventilated lid on her new tank, she can't escape.
So now her tank is escape-proof, I am extending it with an add-on cage to keep Peanut interested.
I will let you know how she gets on soon! (If she hasn't already escaped again...)

So thats all 8 times Peanut has escaped from her cages.
Another post later,
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