Hello everyone,
I have seen too many blogs online 'abandoned' - left with no update for years, obviously not updated anymore, but leaving their followers waiting and wondering.
So I'm going to at least say this one's over: it's only fair to my best-ever, supportive, +1'ing, commenting, loyal viewers and friends.
I feel this blog belonged to Peanut and Snowbi, they are gone from this world, but never forgotten. So I don't want to continue the blog with Magpie.
If you want to read over my past posts, go ahead. I'm NEVER going to delete this blog, (for as long as Google lets me keep it up on the web) only end it's updates.
Magpie is not gone from the web - If you want to see him, join the G+ communities Hamster Lovers, hamster lovers (the capital letters show these are separate communities) , Tiny Pet Lovers, (Jerry and Jack, my gerbils, are on here too:))
You will also find pins of him on Pinterest: search "Magpie my Hamster" or look on my Pinterest board "Hamster Pictures".
Thank you so much for all your support over the years, it's been a great adventure! :D I'm so glad I decided to start blogging back when I was younger, and owned Peanut, a Syrian hamster, and Snowball, a Campbell's Russian, in 2013.
Or on Social media,
Laura Animalgirl
Life of hamster
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Magpie celebrates Pancake day!
Hello everyone,
Today it is Shrove Tuesday - more commonly known as Pancake day - so I decided to make Magpie some pancakes using one of the recipes from my 'Happy Hamster' cookbook! Plus, I have a conversation with him...
So Magpie, do you know what a pancake is?
Go on, have a guess at what it is...
No, a cake is a sweet spongy food baked in a tin, a buiscuit is hard...
oh never mind. Maybe I shall make some pancakes to show you what they
are, Magpie.Wait here with my sister while I do so.

Yes, you do, Magpie. The kitchen is unsafe for a hamster!
10 minutes later...

Ah, a lovely stack of hamster 'Pancakes'...
These of course, are hamster-safe pancakes, so they're not actual pancakes.
But hopefully they'll be tasty like the real thing!
Now it's time to serve them to Magpie...
Oh look! He's smelt them and is coming to taste them...

well, the pancakes have got Magpies seal of approval!
I think that little stack of pancakes was enough for you Magpie.

You are adorable Magpie but my answer is still no.
You have your hamster food to eat too!
Here are 2 more pictures of Magpie:

Now Magpie has had his pancakes, I think all thats left to say is:
Hope you all have a great Pancake day today!
Magpie and I will be back with another post soon.
Bye for now,
P.S: The recipe I used to make Magpies 'hamster pancakes' was taken from 'Happy Hamster' - a recipe book that tells you how to make hamster treats. The book was written by the owner of
Today it is Shrove Tuesday - more commonly known as Pancake day - so I decided to make Magpie some pancakes using one of the recipes from my 'Happy Hamster' cookbook! Plus, I have a conversation with him...
So Magpie, do you know what a pancake is?
Go on, have a guess at what it is...
No, a cake is a sweet spongy food baked in a tin, a buiscuit is hard...
oh never mind. Maybe I shall make some pancakes to show you what they
are, Magpie.Wait here with my sister while I do so.

Yes, you do, Magpie. The kitchen is unsafe for a hamster!
10 minutes later...

Ah, a lovely stack of hamster 'Pancakes'...
These of course, are hamster-safe pancakes, so they're not actual pancakes.
But hopefully they'll be tasty like the real thing!
Now it's time to serve them to Magpie...
Oh look! He's smelt them and is coming to taste them...

well, the pancakes have got Magpies seal of approval!
I think that little stack of pancakes was enough for you Magpie.

You are adorable Magpie but my answer is still no.
You have your hamster food to eat too!
Here are 2 more pictures of Magpie:

Now Magpie has had his pancakes, I think all thats left to say is:
Hope you all have a great Pancake day today!
Magpie and I will be back with another post soon.
Bye for now,
P.S: The recipe I used to make Magpies 'hamster pancakes' was taken from 'Happy Hamster' - a recipe book that tells you how to make hamster treats. The book was written by the owner of
90th post,
blog restart,
Happy hamster,
Pancake day,
Monday, 22 December 2014
Merry Christmas Magpie!
Hi everyone,
Tonights post is simply a Christmas-themed post...
To kick off this post, I shall read to magpie...
T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse -
Ahem... Magpie... now to continue,
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while
visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads -
Honestly Magpie, I can see that you won't stop interrupting me
as I read, so I shall move onto something else Christmassy...
Magpie, what do you want for Christmas?
Awww! I can give you plently of playtime this Christamas -
No Magpie, Presents are meant to be surprises!
Surprises are not surprises if you already know what
they are...

Magpie, you look so so cute in that picture
but the answer's still firmly no. Wait until
December 25!
But I can still give you playtime now...
Okay, but after I have shown you your new
Christmassy cage...
Here are the pictures of Magpie exploring his new
Winter - themed cage.... Enjoy!
Well, hope you enjoyed that post readers!
Magpie and I will be back doing a Christmas-day post
on December 25...
But until then, Bye for now!
Tonights post is simply a Christmas-themed post...
To kick off this post, I shall read to magpie...
T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse -
Ahem... Magpie... now to continue,
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while
visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads -
Honestly Magpie, I can see that you won't stop interrupting me
as I read, so I shall move onto something else Christmassy...
Magpie, what do you want for Christmas?
Awww! I can give you plently of playtime this Christamas -
No Magpie, Presents are meant to be surprises!
Surprises are not surprises if you already know what
they are...

Magpie, you look so so cute in that picture
but the answer's still firmly no. Wait until
December 25!
But I can still give you playtime now...
Okay, but after I have shown you your new
Christmassy cage...
Here are the pictures of Magpie exploring his new
Winter - themed cage.... Enjoy!
Well, hope you enjoyed that post readers!
Magpie and I will be back doing a Christmas-day post
on December 25...
But until then, Bye for now!
merry Christmas,
Mery Christmas Magpie,
Monday, 1 December 2014
Say hello to Magpie - Plus I restart the blog, continuing it...
Hello everyone,
I have been gone for quite some time I know, but I feel my time off blogging has benefitted both me and my pets. (Magpie is nearly tame now) So now, this is the moment you've been waiting for, it is time to welcome my new male syrian hamster onto the blog...
Say hello to Magpie, Everyone!
Magpie, why don't you introduce yourself...
have you finished now Magpie?

what is your full name then?
Thats a bit of a mouthful though, and I never called
any of my past hamsters their names followed by their
coat markings! So I will call you Magpie, Magpie because
thats what I named you!
Let me tell you about Magpie, everyone:
He loves his sleep, although is woken easily...
Sorry Magpie! Moving on...
I named him Magpie, because he is coloured like a magpie and also
he stores items, just like a magpie!
And no, its not just food, its chews, fragments of chewed things.
Speaking of food though, Magpie Loves his food.
And sometimes, Magpie can be a very silly boy indeed...
Now to explain to Magpie why he's being photographed...
now magpie, I photograph you so I can blog about you.
(I explain the concept of blogging to him)...
Well Magpie, that is understandable... You are
not an adult hamster yet, though judging from your size, you are
over 4 months old. Are you excited about blogging?
Well thats good to hear Magpie!
I will post again hopefully soon, and I guarantee there will
be a lifeofhamsterblog Christmas present special!
Bye for now, and thank you to all my loyal followers
on Google+ !
I have been gone for quite some time I know, but I feel my time off blogging has benefitted both me and my pets. (Magpie is nearly tame now) So now, this is the moment you've been waiting for, it is time to welcome my new male syrian hamster onto the blog...
Say hello to Magpie, Everyone!
Magpie, why don't you introduce yourself...
have you finished now Magpie?

what is your full name then?
Thats a bit of a mouthful though, and I never called
any of my past hamsters their names followed by their
coat markings! So I will call you Magpie, Magpie because
thats what I named you!
Let me tell you about Magpie, everyone:
He loves his sleep, although is woken easily...
Sorry Magpie! Moving on...
I named him Magpie, because he is coloured like a magpie and also
he stores items, just like a magpie!
And no, its not just food, its chews, fragments of chewed things.
Speaking of food though, Magpie Loves his food.
And sometimes, Magpie can be a very silly boy indeed...
Now to explain to Magpie why he's being photographed...
now magpie, I photograph you so I can blog about you.
(I explain the concept of blogging to him)...
Well Magpie, that is understandable... You are
not an adult hamster yet, though judging from your size, you are
over 4 months old. Are you excited about blogging?
Well thats good to hear Magpie!
I will post again hopefully soon, and I guarantee there will
be a lifeofhamsterblog Christmas present special!
Bye for now, and thank you to all my loyal followers
on Google+ !
blog restart,
Magpies first post,
new cages,
Say hello to magpie
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
RIP Peanut - a tribute to her life
Hello everyone,
Unfortunately i have some very sad news.
Peanut has died.
Peanut died peacefully in her sleep, in the part of her cage she loved
the most - The Big Orange pod (main pod on add-on). Her death was totally
unexpected, but I am comforted by the fact she was a happy hamster and had enjoyed being with me last night for the final time.
Peanut was the first hamster to appear on the blog and has always played a huge part in
the blog posts - there is hardly any posts on this blog which have not featured Peanut!
As a tribute to her life I shall display
some of the best blog posts featuring Peanut below,(links)
and will also show some of the photos taken during her life.
1. the first post on the blog featuring Peanut! (also no.1 in my blogs top 5 posts) http://lifeofhamsterblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/hello-viewers-as-this-is-very-first.html
and now for a gallery of photos
to celebrate her life with captions alongside each photo:
This is the very first photo I took of Peanut,
when I started taming her. At first, frightened
and jumping out of my hands, she eventually
became a very tame little hamster.
she was 6 months old when i started to tame her.
This was taken when she about 8 months old.
It was also the very first photo of Peanut put
on this blog.
This was taken when she was 1 year old,
hence the writing.
This was taken when she about 1 year 1 month old.
She didn't always enjoy being cupped in my hand...
... preferring to walk on the palm of my hand
in her own time!
Peanut always enjoyed being on the grass outside in
my garden...
... and stuffing her cheeks full of clover!
Lots and lots of clover...
Peanut was an excellent escape artist,
escaping a total of 10 times!
note: if you would like to see a post all about Peanuts 10 cage escapes, please see link below:
This photo was taken when Peanut was 1year 4 months old.
Finally, here are some photos of Peanut exploring the add-on to her cage.
Peanut's favourite part of the cage was the add-on, (she made her nest in the add-on) although she did make visits to the main tank, mainly to get her food and to carry more bedding to the nest.
RIP Peanut - rest in peace my little friend.
Now comes a question i guess many of you will be thinking:
With no hamster what is going to happen to lifeofhamsterblog?
Answer: The blog will end for a while as there's no hamster but if I decide to get another hamster I might restart this blog.
bye for now and thank you all for visiting my blog,
Unfortunately i have some very sad news.
Peanut has died.
Peanut died peacefully in her sleep, in the part of her cage she loved
the most - The Big Orange pod (main pod on add-on). Her death was totally
unexpected, but I am comforted by the fact she was a happy hamster and had enjoyed being with me last night for the final time.
Peanut was the first hamster to appear on the blog and has always played a huge part in
the blog posts - there is hardly any posts on this blog which have not featured Peanut!
As a tribute to her life I shall display
some of the best blog posts featuring Peanut below,(links)
and will also show some of the photos taken during her life.
1. the first post on the blog featuring Peanut! (also no.1 in my blogs top 5 posts) http://lifeofhamsterblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/hello-viewers-as-this-is-very-first.html
and now for a gallery of photos
to celebrate her life with captions alongside each photo:
This is the very first photo I took of Peanut,
when I started taming her. At first, frightened
and jumping out of my hands, she eventually
became a very tame little hamster.
she was 6 months old when i started to tame her.
This was taken when she about 8 months old.
It was also the very first photo of Peanut put
on this blog.
This was taken when she was 1 year old,
hence the writing.
This was taken when she about 1 year 1 month old.
She didn't always enjoy being cupped in my hand...
... preferring to walk on the palm of my hand
in her own time!
Peanut always enjoyed being on the grass outside in
my garden...
... and stuffing her cheeks full of clover!
Lots and lots of clover...
Peanut was an excellent escape artist,
escaping a total of 10 times!
note: if you would like to see a post all about Peanuts 10 cage escapes, please see link below:
This photo was taken when Peanut was 1year 4 months old.
Finally, here are some photos of Peanut exploring the add-on to her cage.
Peanut's favourite part of the cage was the add-on, (she made her nest in the add-on) although she did make visits to the main tank, mainly to get her food and to carry more bedding to the nest.
RIP Peanut - rest in peace my little friend.
Now comes a question i guess many of you will be thinking:
With no hamster what is going to happen to lifeofhamsterblog?
Answer: The blog will end for a while as there's no hamster but if I decide to get another hamster I might restart this blog.
bye for now and thank you all for visiting my blog,
photo gallery,
RIP Peanut a tribute to her life
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