Monday, 22 December 2014

Merry Christmas Magpie!

Hi everyone,

Tonights post is simply a Christmas-themed post...

To kick off this post, I shall read to magpie...

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse -

Ahem... Magpie... now to continue,

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while
visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads -

Honestly Magpie, I can see that you won't stop interrupting me
as I read, so I shall move onto something else Christmassy...

Magpie, what do you want for Christmas?

Awww! I can give you plently of playtime this Christamas -

No Magpie, Presents are meant to be surprises!
Surprises are not surprises if you already know what
they are...

Magpie, you look so so cute in that picture
but the answer's still firmly no. Wait until
December 25!

But I can still give you playtime now...

Okay, but after I have shown you your new
Christmassy cage...

Here are the pictures of Magpie exploring his new
Winter - themed cage.... Enjoy!

Well, hope you enjoyed that post readers!
Magpie and I will be back doing a Christmas-day post
on December 25...

But until then, Bye for now!


Monday, 1 December 2014

Say hello to Magpie - Plus I restart the blog, continuing it...

Hello everyone,

I have been gone for quite some time I know, but I feel my time off blogging has benefitted both me and my pets. (Magpie is nearly tame now) So now, this is the moment you've been waiting for, it is time to welcome my new male syrian hamster onto the blog...

Say hello to Magpie, Everyone!

Magpie, why don't you introduce yourself...

have you finished now Magpie?

what is your full name then?

Thats a bit of a mouthful though, and I never called
any of my past hamsters their names followed by their
coat markings! So I will call you Magpie, Magpie because
thats what I named you!

Let me tell you about Magpie, everyone:
He loves his sleep, although is woken easily...

Sorry Magpie! Moving on...

 I named him Magpie, because he is coloured like a magpie and also
he stores items, just like a magpie!
 And no, its not just food, its chews, fragments of chewed things.
Speaking of food though, Magpie Loves his food.

And sometimes, Magpie can be a very silly boy indeed...

Now to explain to Magpie why he's being photographed...

now magpie, I photograph you so I can blog about you.
(I explain the concept of blogging to him)...

Well Magpie, that is understandable... You are
not an adult hamster yet, though judging from your size, you are
over 4 months old. Are you excited about blogging?

Well thats good to hear Magpie!

I will post again hopefully soon, and I guarantee there will
be a lifeofhamsterblog Christmas present special!

Bye for now, and thank you to all my loyal followers
on Google+ !
