oh dear, i've been raher lazy not blogging for a week,
but tonight i thought i'd make up for it by taking some
better than normal pictures of Snowball and Peanut
and having a chat with them ( not together of course)
i'll have a chat with Peanut...
whoops, sorry Peanut, I'll toggle off the
flash for now.
i'm going to take some photos of you.
nope, look in the eggcup...
now for a tea break...
are you going to have some more Peanut?

peanut not eating some bits of her food?
some people call it fussy eating,
i call it high standards.

that was a cute pic of Peanut i thought
i'd show you.
so now Peanut, i shall put you in this car...

you like it in there, Peanut?

typical. ( she normally escapes from the car
anyway, so its nothing unusal )
now Peanut has gone back to her cage,
i'm going to have a chat with Snowball.

did i just hear a complaint about the 'tea' ?


another post tommorow hopefully!
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