It is now time for Peanut and Snowball to perform
this blogs Christmas carol!
it didn't quite go to plan - I planned to have a video of them both signing but
Snowball got scared and Peanut got bored and tried to lick the camera!
but now...
Its ShowTime!
this blogs Christmas carol works best when read the
way the carol ' the twelve days of Xmas ' goes
(i.e. : .... a partridge in a pear tree .... two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree... u probably get the idea )
1st verse:
2nd verse:
3rd verse:
4th verse
5th verse:
6th verse:
7th verse:
8th verse:
9th verse:
the 10th, 11th and 12th verses I have created whilst
on my trip ( my trip was good just to say )
( the last 2 pictures b4 the last verse below u will have to read sideways - sorry )
verse 10:
verse 12:

thnx for viewing this blog : there are 619 page views,
and also this is going to be the 36th post on this blog!
merry Christmas everyone and this time I shall
be continuing this blog right through the festive season
and of course, I shall blog on Christmas day with a picture
(possibly a video?)
of Peanut and her present.
plz let me know what you think via Google+, Pinterest or comments below.
p.s also to note: this blog's poll has ended!
I shall put a new one up but I was a little
disappointed with results cos only I ( voted twice)
and another person actually voted :S ah well never mind.
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